Dear Fans,
In 2008, I uploaded my first mashup online. What followed was incredible. The subsequent years allowed me to travel the world as a DJ and artist, sharing my passion for music and transformative works in cities like Moscow, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, and many unknown small places I had never heard of before. This experience let me discover the world in a very special way, both the big and the small. Through this journey, I also got to know myself better?my weaknesses and my strengths.
I am deeply grateful for this time, the encounters with countless inspiring people, and the experiences I was able to gather.
In 2019, my life changed?I started a family, and soon after, the COVID-19 pandemic brought a much-needed break. Over 1000 performances, countless travels, and endless nights in the studio had exhausted me, and I longed for something new in my life. I became a father and pursued new professional paths. I decided to switch to music management, a role I have since embraced with great dedication.
Creating my mashups required my full attention and a lot of time?resources I increasingly found hard to muster in recent years. Eventually, live performances could no longer be reconciled with my new life, and they say one should leave when it's most beautiful?that's what I did.
Mashup-Germany may have ended as an active project, but it will always have a place in my heart and, I hope, in yours too. I might still play a show here and there when the urge strikes, but now I mostly stand beside or behind the stage, and that?s where I feel comfortable.
I have stood in the spotlight long enough.
I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your loyalty and support over the years.
I look back with deep gratitude on this time and am excited about what the future holds.
With deep connection,
Ben Stilller
aka Mashup-Germany
An audiovisual journey through a year with highs and many lows. More than one hundred top hits, 150 topics and a total of almost 500 videos combined to an entertaining journey through the year 2021.Video & Mashup produced by Mashup-Germany."Top of the Pops" is a non-profit project and all copyrighted content used in this work is used as quotes.Please support the artists you like.A complete list of all songs represented will follow.Thanks for watching.
Ich habe das Jahr 2021 nicht nur wieder in Form von "Top of the Pops" Revue passieren lassen, sondern auch mit meinen Kollegen Patrik Rist und DJ Dex in unserem Podcast "Soundpiraten".
Wir sprechen über die beste Musik des Jahres, Entwicklungen in der Szene und in der Game Show wird das Musikwissen des Jahres abgefragt!
Schnappt euch ein paar Plätzchen und rein die Airpods!
Tommy Tellerlifts Ischgl-Fieber trifft auf Mama Laudaaa.
Niveau, Niveau, Niveau!
HBz & Mashup-Germany in da mix:
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von den Ostblockschlampen haben ich mir gemeinsam mit HBz deren Single "Virus" geschnappt und mit Marniks "Up & Down" vermixt.
Hier geht's zum Orginal von den Ostblockschlampen.